Då var det över

jaha det var ju ett tag sedan man skrev något här.

då var man avrustad, bestämde mig efter en del omständigheter för att lämna det militära livet bakom mig och återgå till mitt civila liv, känns lite si så där, trivdes inte så bra men samtidgt kommer man ju sakna den gemeskap man fick och lite av den "status" eller vad man ska kalla det, som man fick av att göra lumpen och självklart allra mest mina härliga lumpar kompisar :S kommer sakna dom som fasiken och hoppas att dom inte glömmer bort mig och fortfarande vill se mig som en vän och inte en svikare som va savg o hoppade av

så nu ska livet lagas och så ett tag sen börjar man jobba igen 3 dagar i veckan på finax igen, nice med mkt ledigt men samtigt få in lite cash, alldeles lagom enligt mig.

vill bara säga att trots att jag annars e ganska metal av mig så älskar jag verkligen denna låten med Erik Hassle -hurtful, vet egentligen inte varför men den passar typ rätt bra i mitt liv nu, men det beror ju på hur man tolkar den

used to laugh it off
I used to look the other way
I used to save them troubles for another day
I kept my fingers crossed
I used to never take the blame
I'd pull a sunshine story in a pouring rain
The more I had to change I'd just stay the same

(The same, the same, I stayed the same)

You don't know what you got till you're missing it a lot
I had to go throw it away
I was wrong from the start from the bottom of my heart I apologize
What I did to you was hurtful
What I'm going through is hurtful

I used to buy my time
I used to beat around the bush
I'd rather give my ego another push
I used to be a fool
It was a foolish game I played
And it's a fool's faith coming mistakes I made
Once I had it right it was all too late

(Too late, too late, too little too late)

You don't know what you got until you're missing it a lot
I had to go throw it away
I was wrong from the start from the bottom of my heart I apologize
What I did to you was hurtful
What I'm going through is hurtful
What I'm going through is hurtful
It is hurtful
It's hurtful

Oh what I did to you
(What I did to you)

What I did to you was hurtful
What I'm going through is hurtful

I was wrong from the start from the bottom of my heart I apologize
What I did to you was hurtful
And what I'm going through is hurtful

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